What heart feels…

Hiding me under the rugs of your heart
and bottling me up was never smart.
Try letting me out for once, it will be a great start
I am your emotions, don’t push me far apart.

B.N. : Hello my lovely readers and fellow bloggers!
I hope you all are doing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
This word, don’t know why, but seems funny to me.
Coming back to the post, I tried writing sort of a poetry.
I hope you like this one.
*hopeful sigh*
Do share your thoughts and reviews in the comment section!
*gives high five*
Hit like and share with friends, do give credits to me as well! 😀
Thank you for all the love and support! ❤

P.S. You know, you can find me on my social medias as well?
*Gives a big Smile* 😀

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