Quote Post #8

Hello, my lovely readers and fellow bloggers!
I am back with another Quote Post! For those who are new here, I love to share quotes which I really like with you people. This post will include quotes which I found on Women’s Day (on SCOOP WHOOP). But trust me, I feel they apply on both, males and females!
Dedicated to all the lovely ladies and great gentlemen.

Before I start, I would like to mention again, these quotes are for all,  not specifically for my lovely lady readers!


A person automatically turns into his or her best version, the moment they start accepting themselves for who they are! No one is flawless. Accept your flaws and work on making yourself happier day by day. And if someone has a problem with you being your own special self, then take my advice and don’t spend time on thinking about their opinions!



The only wall between our goals and us, is our self-made barriers. Don’t let your doubts and past failures hinder your path to your goal. The Past is meant to be a lesson, not an obstacle in our ways. If your past is bothering you, just take few minutes and think about what matters more: Dwelling in past or Working now to make a better future?
The choice is yours.



You may have heard this before, Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

How many of us actually believe in this? *Raises both hands*
Every person has their different definition of beauty. If you try to fit in definitions made by others, then when will you get time for yourself?
Don’t try to fit in, try to stand out.

Here, I would stop and ask you people which one is your favourite?
Do share your views about the quotes and my interpretations about them.
Make me smile by hitting the star button.
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Thank you! ❤

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